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We decided to develop this program because, as presenters, we lunch with thousands of people each year at conventions.  At least 75% of these professionals unknowingly sabotage their image at the dining table ... but they don't see themselves.

Everyone always thinks it's the other person.  It's the same sort of thinking that makes everyone feel they're better than average drivers.  Because they've been doing it all their lives, most people who think they're better than average ... aren't.  People constantly tell us that they didn't realize what mistakes they were making until they took our training.

You can't afford to take chances with your career and social success.  That's why we developed this program for you.

Over the years, as we have trained and coached people on proper business etiquette, we have always focused on dining etiquette first.  Dining Etiquette requires a certain level of knowledge and detailed attention to be implemented.  Once you are successful at that, you can apply the same techniques for everything else to make you look really polished and professional.

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