Social Media Marketing |
Are You Getting a Positive ROI
on Your Social Media?
What Is The Review Engine ROI?
The Review Engine ROI is a coaching program combined with the innovative "Fan Reviews" Facebook application that is designed to help entrepreneurs, internet marketers, and businesses of any size to generate more paying customers without having to spend much additional time, energy, or money.
It is all accomplished by utilizing the world's most powerful form of marketing...word of mouth! Oh and we also built a really sweet application that makes it push button simple to turn your existing friends, fans, and customers into viral brand advocates that attract others who buy what you sell!
To date, social media marketing has always been overwhelming and frustrating because it has typically been hard to generate trackable results and proven ROI. We have proven that the "Fan Reviews" strategy is not only this simplest and most effective way to generate a positive ROI, but is also the most duplicateable.
We even have an insurance agent in Centralia IL who has spent less than 5 minutes a day using our Review Engine ROI and has generated 19 referrals in 60 days that resulted in 14 new clients.
How Does It Work?
- Add the Fan Reviews app to your Facebook page (1 click)
- Simply ask your fans, network, and customers to write you a review about you, your products, services, content, or company and let the viral distribution of your review work it's magic!
Ninja Features of The Fan Reviews App
Viral Testimonial - Each review that is at least 4 or 5 stars gets posted to the reviewers friends virally as a status update with an image of their positive review about you
- This is a viral testimonial from one friend to another
- We have found that the reviews can generate "likes," messages, traffic, phone calls, and most importantly new customers because friends trust their friends opinions
- Creates positive brand positioning
- Testimonial Content - Each review that is at least 4 or 5 stars can be automatically posted on YOUR FB page as a status update for your fans to see
- This solves the "What do I say on Facebook?" content burden and automates the absolute most impactful type of content… "earned media."
You have the ability to choose how many stars you would like the reviews to have in order for them to be posted out virally
Fan Reviews Website Plugin
- All positive or 4-5 star reviews can be automatically synced with our plugin that can be placed on your website to show social proof and increase conversions
- Place the plugin on your squeeze page, sales letter, and next to your shopping cart to increase conversions
Authenticity and social proof
- Because fan reviews automatically populates the "reviewers" FB personal profile photo in their review people can see that it’s a "real" person and not a fake
"Agree" and comment functionality
- You can click the agree button on your reviews to let the person know that you like it
- Comment on your reviews and engage with your fans
- In the event that you receive a bad review 1-3 stars it shows on the fan reviews wall so that you can comment and rectify the situation.
Moderator control
- Have the full ability to moderate all reviews
Reputation management built in
- Receive an email notification when you receive a review
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